McHenry Public Library District 809 Front St. McHenry, IL 60050 United States
United States
Come to the library to paint and decorate your own gnome!
Unase a hacer una manualidad con pintura.
Join us to complete a painting craft.
La biblioteca hace lo mejor posible para asegurar que todos puedan acceder a los eventos. Si tiene alguna preocupación en cuestión de accesibilidad o requiere ciertas acomodaciones no dude en contactarnos.
Learn basic information on the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia, stages, risk factors, research, and FDA-approved treatments. Presented by the Alzheimer's Association. Light refreshments will be served.
Coffee with Police Chief John Birk will begin with a topical presentation or guest speaker. Chief Birk will provide an overview of events or criminal activity within the city over the past month, allowing residents to stay informed.
Register at:
Register with your email address so we can send you the Zoom link before the program. You can access the program virtually on your computer, tablet or smartphone. To learn how to join a Zoom program, click HERE.
Toggle the date picker: Jul 2024 July 2024